
In order to receive a diagnosis of gambling disorder, an individual must display a minimum of four of the subsequent symptoms within the past year.

  • In order to achieve the anticipated excitement, it is essential to progressively raise the bets while participating in games of chance.
  • Feeling restless or irritable when trying to cut down or stop gambling.
  • Continuous and ineffective efforts to control, decrease, or cease participation in gambling.
  • Regular thoughts about gambling, such as reflecting on previous gambling encounters or strategizing for future gambling endeavors.
  • Engaging in habitual gambling as a means of coping with emotional distress on a regular basis.
  • A significant number of people, specifically those familiar with gambling, often return to gambling venues in hopes of recovering their previous losses. This habit is commonly referred to as “chasing” one’s losses.
  • Undertaking deceitful actions to hide participation in gambling.
  • Engaging in gambling activities can put at risk important personal relationships, job opportunities, or educational and professional prospects.
  • Relying on external financial support as a result of difficulties arising from excessive gambling.

Throughout the duration of gambling addiction, individuals may encounter moments when their symptoms decrease. These intervals of respite can give the false impression that the gambling issue has lessened, particularly when contrasted with episodes of more intense symptoms.

Gambling addiction often runs in families, suggesting a genetic influence. Certain risk factors, such as traumatic experiences and social inequalities, particularly affecting women, increase the likelihood of developing this disorder. The symptoms can emerge during adolescence or in later adulthood, with men typically initiating gambling at a younger age compared to women, who tend to start later in life.


The hotline is committed to tackling the problem of gambling addiction nationwide. You have the option to reach out to us either by making a phone call or by sending a message. Administered by the National Council on Problem Gambling

Some people have the capability to stop gambling on their own, but others may need support in managing their gambling problems. Only a small fraction, specifically 10% of individuals struggling with this issue, actually seek help for their gambling disorder.

Gambling affects individuals in different ways, and the effectiveness of different approaches may vary depending on the person. To tackle gambling problems, various therapeutic methods are used, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. This information aims to inform knowledgeable individuals about the different ways in which gambling issues can be addressed.

Counseling services are accessible for individuals who are looking for assistance and guidance in comprehending the effects of gambling on themselves and their loved ones. Additionally, counseling allows individuals to explore various options and formulate efficient problem-solving techniques.

At present, there are no medications approved by the FDA specifically for treating gambling disorders. Nonetheless, there are certain medications that can be advantageous in treating related conditions like anxiety and depression. Although there is a lack of FDA-approved treatments for gambling disorders, seeking professional assistance in addiction care remains an essential measure in dealing with and controlling this intricate problem.

The support given by close ones and companions can have a significant impact on a person’s efforts to overcome a gambling addiction. However, the ultimate responsibility lies with the individual to decide to put a stop to these harmful behaviors.

  • Counselling can help
  • Assume control of your gambling endeavors.
  • Heal family relationships
  • Discuss your propensity for engaging in games of chance.
  • Effectively cope with stress and tackle various difficulties
  • Discover alternative pursuits to fill your schedule.
  • Organize your financial situation.
  • Maintain the progress of healing and avoid triggers that could cause a relapse.
  • Support Networks and Personal Growth

Peer support plays a crucial role in helping individuals overcome gambling addiction as commonly seen in support groups like Gamblers Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. Research suggests that incorporating physical activity into one’s routine can have positive effects on individuals dealing with gambling disorders. Moreover, several states provide helplines and other resources to offer assistance for gambling-related concerns.